

Web Design

Custom designed websites for business, personal, or eCommerce.

Website Hosting

Custom hosting solutions optimized for WordPress based sites on our Litespeed Server platform.


WooCommerce provides a powerful and scalable platform to sell both virtual and tangible goods. Contact us!


SEO practices include revamping of your site’s content, meta tags, and page structure to perform better in Google searches.


Divi Slider Text Display Trick

Divi Slider Text Display Trick

If you use a busy photograph as the background of a fullwidth slider in Divi chances are the text, whether light or dark, will not be entirely readable. Therefore, in order to make the text stand out you can place a background behind the two elements that make up the slider text, the title/headline and the description/content. In a way, this works like an overlay where it places a dark background behind these elements in order for the text to be readable no matter what is behind it in the slider.

Custom Divi Animated Buttons

Custom Divi Animated Buttons

Divi utilizes a set of default buttons that are somewhat configurable when it comes to colors and backgrounds. However, they are all static with modest hover effects. I was recently made aware of these cool custom buttons that are freely available for download and easy to integrate into your Divi layout with simple copy and paste. The code you need, CSS, is all it takes in order to make your buttons a bit more lively and your site more interesting.

Divi Vertical Navigation Fix

Divi Vertical Navigation Fix

Divi’s vertical navigation option (Appearance / Customize / Theme Options) by default doesn’t allow the vertical column/menu to scroll with the rest of the page. This can be a problem if you have a lengthy menu as it will not be totally visible on many screens. Nor will they be able to scroll down to bring it in to view.

Making Page Specific CSS Changes In Divi

Making Page Specific CSS Changes In Divi

When making changes to any theme in Wordpress you want to be sure that the element you’re modifying isn’t global if you’re only looking to make the change appear on a single page. Luckily there’s a simple solution for this that involves the page ID that you wish to pinpoint.

Making Your Divi Header Transparent

Making Your Divi Header Transparent

Divi allows you to modify the background color of your header area in the Appearance / Customize settings. However, it does not allow you to set any transparency which is needed in order to create the desired effect. Here’s an example from a site using Divi that utilizes this photo background / transparent menu look: www.graniteoffers.co.uk

Weatherly Suites

Weatherly Suites

Weatherly Suites resides in Ocean Shores, WA and provides luxury suites for guests to the area. The problem is, they...

SVPS-WA Update

SVPS-WA Update

I had previously created an HTML/AJAX based site for a Psychology center nearby. After a few years of serving its...

Go Mobile

Go Mobile

More and more people use their mobile devices and technology to find businesses and services such as yours. Don't be...

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